We offer a several FREE educational classes. Our aim is to help you work through difficult emotions, so you can move on to living your best life. Sometimes it takes a little coaching and group support to get you there. Sometimes knowing the right essential oil for your condition requires knowledge you don't have yet, we get it! Connect with us!

Meet Kim, who has years and years of experience teaching free essential oil classes and a great group of people who you can begin and enjoy your healing journey with. Learn how to use essential oils in the right way to maximize the benefits. With the guidance of an experienced team, your potential will soar and soon you'll find peace and success naturally manifesting in your life.

Healthy Emotional Processing

Mondays 11:30 AM PST/ 2:30 PM EST

You'll meet incredible people on this journey that really get what you're going through and want to see you succeed :) So glad you're here, reach out and we can set up some time to get you started with the right tools.

One day at a time,

Kim Ureta, Recovery Wellness Coach


All Rights Reserved

Kim Ureta, Recovery Wellness Coach



Powered By Upleveled Strategies